The Benefits for commercial spaces


ROI- Second to no other floor

On average, a polished concrete floor offers 40% lower life cycle costs than all other traditional floor coverings.  And this return on the investment holds true whether the floor is new or part of a renovation.

The simplicity of maintenance eases the burden on training and offers lower costs by lessening the need for maintaining a technically skilled labor force for the work.  The smartest and most efficient way to clean your floor is with a floor-scrubber machine using diamond pads.  It not only cleans, but it micro-polishes as it goes.  This helps maintain the shine and qualities of the floor.  As time marches on, the floor will take on a natural patina caused look by oxidation.  If one prefers, the floor can easily be restored by a simple polishing.  There is no practical limit to the number of times this can be done.

The surface is so easy to clean and maintain; it's perfect for factories and warehouses, schools, shopping centers and big box stores, museums, gyms, airports and train terminals, shopping centers, government offices, car dealerships, restaurants and dining halls, repair facilities, conference centers, office entrances and other highly trafficked areas.  It can be cleaned while the space is being used.  No environmentally dangerous cleaners, no offensive smells.

Fact:  Polished concrete floors offer a 117% higher resistance to wear compared to regular, untreated concrete.  (source; SP Report P30350)

With a life cycle of 20 years or more, polished concrete floors are at the top of the list for the best ROI. 

Impacts for a business

Grinding will leave a floor that is always smoother and more even than the original, or other floor coverings.  This translates to less vibrations from equipment, dolly's, chairs, anything that rolls.  It helps create a quieter environment, minimizes mechanical wear and improves safety.  A polished concrete floor is almost always a requirement for a super flat floor, and for good reason.  


Despite peoples initial reaction, a highly polished concrete floor is safer than many other floors, even when wet, when it comes to slipping.  Up to 45% more slip resistant than a vinyl floor, about 40% lower than an epoxy floor and on par with Terrazzo. 


The energy used to produce a polished floor pales in comparison to other choices.  A simple list:

Epoxy floor:             535 kWh/per sq ft

Wooden floor:         290 kWh/per sq ft

Vinyl floor:               250 kWh/per sq ft

Linoleum floor:        130 kWh/per sq ft

Polished Concrete:  50 kWh/per sq ft

Now add in continued maintenance costs for the more demanding alternatives; more energy, more chemicals, more disposal.  No contest.

Why wouldn't you choose Polished Concrete?

 It's a winning combination; good looks, ease of maintenance, safer and better life cycle costs.